Please consult a dermatologist it the skin change does not heal on its own after a week and ask them for advice on which products to use.
Attention note
Here we speak about Dermatological issues
Attention note
Please consult a dermatologist it the skin change does not heal on its own after a week and ask them for advice on which products to use.
What to do against the itching
Rashes, redness, nodules, wheals, pustules, itching
Infectious diseases such as measles, rubella or chickenpox often trigger a rash that covers a large area of the body: the so-called exanthema.
Little is still known and researched on that skin changes can also occur in the context of COVID-19. These can be unspecific itchy rashes with redness and nodules, itchy wheals and pustules as in allergies or blisters as in chickenpox.
However, rashes do not necessarily have to indicate a COVID-19 infection; they can also be the result of an intolerance or an allergic reaction.
In most cases, the changes heal on their own after about a week without leaving any permanent damage such as discoloration or scars.
These tips will help relieve itching:
- Do not take hot showers and baths
- Moisturizing care (e.g., aloe vera gel or Polidocanol-based lotion) to be used daily, 1-2 times a day
- Store care products in the refrigerator
- Bath with moisturizing additives, max. 15 min. (E.g., St. John's wort oil, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects)
- Dab areas of skin several times a day with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (1: 1)
- Do not scratch, better rub or pinch (bacteria under the nails can lead to further infections)
- If the rash worsens, short-term cortisone-based creams will help
- For advice on which products to use, contact your dermatologist.

Treatment for hair loss
Hair loss, alopecia, telogen effluvium
Every day, we lose around 100 strands of hair. This is completely normal and no cause for concern, since every hair shed is replaced by a new one. We only talk about abnormal hair loss (alopecia) when a person loses more than 100 hairs a day for an extended period of time.
When it comes to COVID-19, hair loss can be triggered by two things:
- Cases of heavy hair loss resulting in significant bald patches could point to an autoimmune disorder known as alopecia areata.
- The second cause can be infection-related stress, where hair loss is more or less consistent across the whole scalp. In this case, we may be dealing with telogen effluvium (TE). The good news is that TE is usually temporary.
Attention: Only a doctor can diagnose pathological hair loss. If you suffer from unusual hair loss, please consult a dermatologist.
Please read the detailed information on the causes and treatments of hair loss related to COVID-19.
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Herpes Zoster (Shingles) – Antiviral therapy, antiseptic and desiccant therapies
Patients who develop herpes zoster (shingles) have had chickenpox in their childhood or adolescence. The varicella zoster virus (VZV) penetrated the body, triggered the disease and then remained in the spinal ganglia. If the defense against the virus falls below a critical limit, infectious virus particles are transported in the affected nerves into the skin, where they lead to the classic vesicular zoster symptoms that can affect all parts of the body.
Possible triggers for a renewed infection are sun, stress, viral infections, malignancies, or immunosuppressive therapy.
The typical zoster pain is described as burning or stabbing and often begins a few days before the skin symptoms appear. At the beginning there are unspecific symptoms such as slightly increased temperature, tingling, burning, and shooting pains. The typical zoster rash occurs a few days after the first symptoms. Usually, the rash lasts a few weeks and often requires treatment (analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs).
If the course is simple, the following therapies are recommended:
- Wet compresses
- Local antiseptic and drying therapies
- If necessary, creams with antibiotic additives
Normally, shingles blisters dry out within two weeks, forming a scab, leaving no scars. Once the blisters are dry, emollient ointments such as Dexpanthenol can be helpful.
A medical examination is recommended in all cases, because if medications are needed, they should be taken as soon as the first symptoms appear.