Video guidebook "Back to sport" part 2 and 3

Video guidebook "Back to sport" part 2 and 3

To make our guidebooks for people affected by Long COVID even easier to understand and access, we summarize the most important tips in videos. The second and third part of the "Back to sport" video guidebook are now available!

In five videos, we show how the path back to a regular training can work for people affected by Long COVID. The videos are based on the "Back to sport" guidebook that we developed together with physiotherapist Kaba Dalla Lana. You can find the first part of the video guide here, and we will be uploading the next sections for you at regular intervals over the next few weeks.


Watch part 2 and 3 of the "Back to sport" video guidebook (in German) now:




It is important to note that the aim of the guidebook is not necessarily to go through all five phases. The guidebook was developed for athletes with the goal of being able to take part in competitions again. However, the individual elements can be useful for everyone and can help to increase physical activity.

People with post-exertional malaise (PEM) in particular must not exceed their limits and should reduce their training immediately if their performance decreases or other factors cause additional stress in order to avoid crashes.

Phases 1-3 can help the patient to reintegrate into everyday life and can support the recovery of physical activity, taking individual limits into account.

In phases 4-5 the resumption of sporting activities is addressed. These phases should only be started if everyday life can be successfully managed and in consultation with your healthcare professional.

While for some people it will be possible to reach the fifth phase, the competition, for others reaching the third phase is already a great achievement and sufficient to reach the desired fitness level.

The key is to always respect your own energy limits and not overexert yourself.

Register in the Altea Forum and discuss your progress and hurdles or setbacks with other people affected.