Extension of the Altea Care app

Extension of the Altea Care app

A new version of the Altea Care app is now available. It can be downloaded for free and includes new features such as a symptom diary and a risk assessment for Long COVID.

Over the past months, Altea, together with SIM, has supported movos AG in developing a companion app for Long COVID. Following the pilot phase, the app is now publicly accessible to everyone and can be downloaded free of charge:

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/ch/app/altea-care/id6470800616

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.movos.altea.care&hl=


The update of this app has two important goals:

  1. To support the self-management of those affected as an everyday companion.
  2. To standardize the Long COVID diagnosis with the help of the EPOCA assessment while making the examination as energy-saving as possible for patients.


App Store

The Altea Care app is available for iOS and Android.


What's new?

Until now, the app was in its pilot phase, in which patients could fill out the EPOCA survey at home after being invited by their treating doctor. The new version can now be used by anyone without prior invitation from a healthcare professional. It also includes an additional Long COVID risk assessment, a symptom diary, an easy contact search for Long COVID consultations and simplified access to Altea blog posts and guides.

The risk assessment is used to estimate the probability of Long COVID after a brief questionnaire. It does not replace a medical examination but serves to improve the patient's self-assessment.

The symptom tracker is a way of recording your own symptoms over a longer period of time. This makes it possible to assess trends and observe whether symptoms correlate with certain activities or times of day.


Risiko Und Symptome

Risk assessment and symptom diary in the Altea Care app.


What happens to my data?

  • The information on the app remains solely with the user. Neither the treating healthcare professional nor insurance companies or the provider have access to this data.
  • The symptom diary is also exclusively designed for self-management.
  • The EPOCA assessment is carried out together with a doctor or practice assistant and can therefore be viewed by healthcare professionals with the patient's consent. In the current version, this data release extends to the healthcare professionals of the treating practice or clinic.


In the second version of the app, data protection is still a top priority. Patient privacy was a key focus throughout the entire development process. In discussions with those affected, the concern was repeatedly expressed that self-disclosure by patients could have a negative impact on social law claims and future care.

The app follows the principle of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and thus protects the user's data.

Insurance companies or third parties cannot access patient data. movos AG acts as a data processor. The data is anonymized using the latest cryptographic methods. The cryptographic key lies with the user. This protection means that personal data cannot be personally assigned by either movos or third parties.

Due to this data protection system, the app may not be deleted from the mobile device in this version, as this would also delete the user's cryptographic key.

You can find out more about data handling at movos here.


What is the connection between Altea and movos AG?

Altea is a non-profit organization that does not pursue any commercial purposes and is financed by donations and grants. You can find the list of our supporters here. The Altea team is supported by a council of experts who regularly share their professional experience and research progress. The members of this council include doctors, physiotherapists, complementary medicine specialists and nursing staff.

Altea was initiated by the Lunge Zürich association in collaboration with APS AG. Altea is operated and further developed by movos AG. The development of the app was financed exclusively by movos AG.


How can I give feedback?

With the launch of the current version, the app will continue to be further developed. Constructive feedback is essential to ensure that the app is equally helpful and applicable for those affected and healthcare professionals. Initial points from the Altea community have already been taken on board and are being incorporated into further development. Further feedback can be sent to the movos AG app support team at support@movos.ch.