The main goal of Altea is to help affected people to deal with the health consequences of Long COVID. While a cure for Long COVID does not exist, there are ways to manage some of the symptoms. Therefore, Guidebooks covering different symptoms have been published together with the help of health professionals and patients themselves. The main principles of the Guidebooks have been explained in a previous blog.
New clusters: Work and Law
The Guidebooks and the clusters in which they are grouped (based on the type of symptoms) are constantly updated and adapted to the current state of knowledge. This also led Altea to add non-health-related clusters, such as “work” or “law”, addressing respectively social and legal issues that people have to face when suffering from Long COVID.
New non-health related clusters have been added to address issues at work or with insurances.
The Guidebooks are published in a shorter form online and usually in a longer PDF that provides more detailed information. They are accessible through the overview page clicking on the yellow or blue buttons under the title. The yellow buttons are for health-related topics, while the blue ones are for non-health related topics. On the same page, below the buttons, you can find a description of the clusters.
Screenshot of the overview page with the buttons (Image: screenshot Altea)
Downloadcenter now available
Altea now also offers a Download center, where all the Guidebooks available in PDF are presented in a list format with a direct link for download. They are split among medical, legal, and social Guidebooks, and are ordered by cluster. The first part of the name indicates the cluster, the second is the name of the Guidebooks. So, for example, you can find the Guidebook about Pacing in the Cluster “Fatigue”. In the Download center you can find it under “Fatigue: Pacing part 1: recognizing the limits” and “Fatigue: Pacing part 2: The 4P’s rule”.
The Guidebooks are now available also in list format in the Download center.
The Guidebooks are aimed at those affected as well as medical specialists. Given the constant updates, it is worth checking from time to time the complete list. If you know anyone that could use them, please share the links: they are available for free!