Long COVID Awareness Day on March 15, 2025

Long COVID Awareness Day on March 15, 2025

On March 15, the International Long COVID Awareness Day, there will be a call for social media campaigns and protests to draw attention to the continuing shortcomings in Long COVID care.

Five years after the start of the pandemic, there are still no therapies with prospects of a cure for Long COVID. Society seems to have long put the pandemic behind – and with it the thought of those who are still suffering the consequences. Millions of people affected by Long COVID are still excluded from everyday life due to their illness.

On Long COVID Awareness Day, the world shall once again be made aware that the disease and those who suffer from it must not be forgotten.

This year, the "International Long COVID Awareness Day Organization" is calling on people to take part in the social media campaign of the support group "Long COVID Support" (UK). For this purpose, people affected by Long COVID (if they are able to), relatives and supporters were asked to provide a textile banner (6 cm x 30 cm) with a design representing Long COVID.

An image of the banner can then be published on social media at 9am (EST). The post should include the following information:

  • Number of days since the onset of Long COVID (only for people affected by Long COVID)
  • Country
  • For whom you are wearing the banner (children, parent, partner...)
  • These hashtags: #CureLongCovidNow #UnitedForLongCOVID #ILCAD2025 #LongCovidAwarenessDay


Another social media campaign is being launched by the "Berlin Buyers Club", a collective of art activists who are themselves affected by Long COVID: The campaign “5 years of Long COVID - half a decade neglected” is led by the title "We want to become visible".

For those who are able to and anyone who would like to support the campaign, the Berlin Buyers Club is organizing a protest in Berlin in solidarity with people affected by Long COVID. Wearing an FFP2 mask is encouraged for the event on site.

Protest on Saturday, March 15 at 2 pm at the Amphitheater Mauerpark, Berlin.

For all those who are unable to attend on site, there will be a protest via social media at the same time.

People who want to participate can post a photo of themselves with a protest sign for Long COVID on social media at 2 pm (CET). This will synchronously raise awareness for Long COVID across Europe!

On its website, the Berlin Buyers Club also provides ready-made designs for protest signs that can be printed out and used.


5 Yearslongcovid Half a Decade Neglect Black Bg